PostHog Integration

PostHog Integration (Beta)

PostHog (opens in a new tab) is a popular choice for OSS product analytics. While Langfuse offers analytics out of the box, many of our users have asked for a way to integrate their LLM related metrics that they capture with Langfuse into their PostHog dashboards.

We've built an integration to make it easy to answer questions like:

  • "Are my most active users also the ones who are most engaged with my LLM content?"
  • "Does interacting with the LLM feature relate to higher retention rates?"
  • "How does the LLM feature impact my conversion rates?"
  • "Does the user feedback that I capture in Langfuse correlate with the user behavior that I see in PostHog?"

Example PostHog Dashboard

Get started


This is a beta feature and currently only available for users of our managed service.

Interested to use this integration for your Langfuse project? Reach out to us:

Build a dashboard in PostHog

Once integrated, you can build a dashboard in PostHog to visualize your Langfuse metrics. Use the AI Metrics template to get started with a pre-built dashboard that includes the most common metrics from Langfuse.

PostHog Dashboard Template

Integration details

On a daily schedule Langfuse batches aggregated events and metrics to your PostHog instance.

Metadata matching

Matching of metadata helps to join the data from Langfuse with the data from PostHog:

trace.timestamp, generation.started_at, score.timestamptimestamp
trace.metadata.$posthog_session_id$session_idOptional, you need to add the PostHog session id to your Langfuse traces.

User properties

We send the following user properties via '$set':

  • langfuse_user_url: Deeplink to the user profile in Langfuse.


You can decide which events you want to send to PostHog. By default, we send all of the following events:

Event: langfuse trace

  • timestamp: The time the event occurred.
  • langfuse_trace_name: The name of the trace.
  • langfuse_url: The URL of the trace.
  • langfuse_id: The unique identification of the trace.
  • langfuse_cost_usd: The total cost associated with the trace.
  • langfuse_count_observations: The number of observations in the trace.
  • langfuse_session_id: The session ID related to the event.
  • langfuse_project_id: An ID associated with the project related to the event.
  • langfuse_user_id: User ID related to the event. If it's null, it's marked as langfuse_unknown_user.
  • langfuse_latency: The latency of the event.
  • langfuse_release: Information relating to the event release.
  • langfuse_version: The version of the event.
  • langfuse_tags: Any tags associated with the event.
  • langfuse_integration_version: The integration version of LangFuse.

Event: langfuse generation

  • timestamp: The start time of the generation.
  • langfuse_generation_name: The name of the generation.
  • langfuse_trace_name: Name of the trace related to the generation.
  • langfuse_url: The URL of the generation on the host platform.
  • langfuse_id: Unique identifier of the generation.
  • langfuse_cost_usd: Computed total cost of the generation.
  • langfuse_input_units: Number of tokens utilized in prompting the generation.
  • langfuse_output_units: Number of tokens produced by the generation.
  • langfuse_total_units: Total number of tokens consumed in the generation process.
  • langfuse_unit: The units used for the generation (likely tokens).
  • langfuse_session_id: The session ID associated with the trace of the generation.
  • langfuse_project_id: The project identification where the generation happened.
  • langfuse_user_id: The user ID that started the trace linked to the generation. In case it's unavailable, it defaults to langfuse_unknown_user.
  • langfuse_latency: The observed latency of the generation.
  • langfuse_release: Release information of the trace attached with the generation.
  • langfuse_version: The versioning info about the generation.
  • langfuse_model: The model used during this generation's process.
  • langfuse_level: The level associated with the generation.
  • langfuse_tags: Any tags attached to the trace of the generation.
  • langfuse_integration_version: The integration version with LangFuse.

Event langfuse score

  • timestamp: The time when the score event occurred.
  • langfuse_score_name: The name associated with the score.
  • langfuse_score_value: The value of the score.
  • langfuse_score_comment: Any comments attached with the score.
  • langfuse_trace_name: The name of the trace associated with the score.
  • langfuse_id: The unique identification of the score.
  • langfuse_session_id: The session identification related to the score's trace.
  • langfuse_project_id: The project identification linked with the score's trace.
  • langfuse_user_id: The user ID that triggered the trace tied with the score. If not available, defaults to langfuse_unknown_user.
  • langfuse_release: The release information of the trace associated with the score.
  • langfuse_tags: Any tags related to the trace of the score.
  • langfuse_integration_version: The integration version with LangFuse.


If you have any questions about this integration, please reach out to us at

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